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Our Coaching Process


How will hiring a coach help me achieve my goals?


Today Business and Life Coaching are terms that you have more than likely heard of. You probably have a friend or colleague that has already incorporated having a coach on their team. Still many folks are unsure as to what a coach can do for them.


Did you know that the International Coaching Federation found that the average return on investment was 6 times the cost of coaching?


To begin with, your coach’s role is to help you understand what you really want out of life. So many people have simply never made up their mind about this crucial piece of the puzzle. Life can be very demanding; you have your family, your home, your business or career, and let’s not forget about your hobbies and interests. There is so much going in your life that it is easy to just get stuck in the rut of doing the same thing over and over again.


Your ArmfieldGroup coach will unleash you from your confusion and ignite you to what you really want. You will finally gain the clarity you need to succeed. Once your goals have become crystallized, your coach will begin to help you identify what is getting in the way or holding you back from working toward achieving your goals.


Are you tired of playing the blame game? You know what I mean, “if my spouse, the economy, my employees would just......”


Are you ready to create the opportunities for change that you desire? When you can see the big picture, then and only then can you actually begin working toward achieving your goals.


The next step in working with your coach is to begin setting goals and action steps that will lead you to the fulfillment of your goal. Together you will create a step-by-step action plan that has “to do” actions and most importantly, clear outcomes that can be measured. When you are in a solid groove with your coach you will begin seeing change and progress in your life and business.


Each week you will meet with your coach and use them as a sounding board to report on how you are progressing and where you are still struggling. Clients begin the coaching process with a positive mindset and outlook, but when they face challenges, they typically revert back to old habits. This is where your ArmfieldGroup coach can do some of the most powerful work with you. The option to quit pursuing your Dream is removed as you are no longer alone with your coach by your side.


Your coach is not there to punish or scold you, you invited them into your journey to help you identify your impasse and come up with a different strategy. This process will repeat itself many times within your coaching relationship. The goal is not for your coach to fix you. There is nothing wrong with you. Your coach help you remember your dream, understand your challenge and inspire you to continue trying new strategies until you are met with success.


When you are seeking out a Business or Life coach it is very important for you to interview your prospective coach. Ask them how they work, what kind of methodologies will they incorporate, and what you should expect as an outcome from your coaching. The other thing you will want to pay attention to is how you feel when interviewing them. If your prospective coach reminds you of a harsh parent or teacher, you will probably not have a great success with them.

As you get to know your coach it is important for you to feel like you are driving this process. It is imperative that you create a sense of trust and synergy with your new coach. There will be times when your coach will need to press on you to help you achieve greater heights. If you do not trust that your coach has your best interest in mind and is committed to helping you achieve your Dreams then you should interview someone else.


One of the results of the Pandemic is there are suddenly a lot of new people entering the coaching profession. Start smart and ensure that you are going to work with a coach that has been coaching for years and has a track record to prove that. Ask to speak to some of their clients. They should have no issue with this request. If they are unwilling to provide you with references beware, there is probably a reason behind this. Lastly, I encourage you to learn about your prospective coach’s worldview. Align yourself with a coach that shares your values.


You are thinking about hiring a coach so be sure to ask yourself why you want to add this kind of support and accountability into your life. Coaches do not “fix” people. Your ArmfieldGroup coach will ignite you to the passion and purposeful intention that will propel you to achieve your Dreams.


Things to consider prior to hiring a coach.


  • Are you teachable?

  • What do you want to focus on?

  • How quickly do you want to begin experiencing incredible outcomes?

  • Will you want to work with your coach in person or via telephone and internet?

  • Are you willing to invest in yourself?


If you still have questions about if coaching is right for you then click one of the links below to learn more about Business or Life coaching.


Ready to go? Complete our Business or Life Assessment. This action step will help you clarify your need. Once you have completed your assessment you will be contacted to schedule your coaching session where you can test drive what having a ArmfieldGroup coach is all about.



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